classes: the art journal challenge | written down

the art journal challenge

The art journal challenge…a longer class with one lesson and challenge per week rather than the pressure of a daily assignment.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve kept an art journal for ages, always wanted to keep one or never kept one at all. It doesn’t matter if you already love to write or want to write more often or really don’t want to write much at all. And it doesn’t matter if your loves as an artist take the form of paint, collage, sketching or doodling. It’s not about preconceived notions or one perfect end product. It’s about keeping a book for the next twenty weeks, making at least one entry each week. That’s pretty much the deal.

Each week, you’ll receive one ‘lesson’ email that discusses some sort of idea. It will challenge you to think about one particular topic during that week. At some point, record your thoughts in a journal. you might use just a few words. you might use plenty. you might include lots of art. you might not. you might include photographs, found items or your own drawing. you might do just one entry during the week. you might feel inspired or frustrated and do more. you might decide to share your work with the group, either anonymously or signed. you might prefer to keep your journal to yourself. you might be chatty with others in the group. you might just read the class emails and be happy with that. you might look through what others are creating and use it as the proverbial kick into trying something new.

Are you getting the idea that this class is pretty much up to your own style? Cuz that’s the deal. I’ll provide topics to think about, ideas to try, and guidance for those who feel scared about this whole idea of art journaling. What you do with all that is up to you…and that’s the entire point.

The challenge runs for twenty weeks—participate as much or as little as you like—and starts the first week of May. You can join in late and receive the emails from previous weeks. You can go on holiday in the middle and not throw the whole thing off its rocker. You can have busy weeks at work and go MIA until you have more time. You’ll also get short little creativity prods from me through the week just to give you a bit of energy when you’re feeling lost or stuck or just plain tired.